Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PaRaDoX (Interlude)

Another one bites the dust/ Lust turned love, hits the floor with a thud/ Mustard seed faith proved nary enough/ Play it close to your chest, exterior tough/ Interior redecorate, your heart in your throat/ Scrub it when it falls, use plenty of soap/ Wash away the marks, no evidence left/ Then move past closure, go with hesitant steps/ I’ma try make sense, recollect the events/ Span us rolling in the grass to you hoppin’ the fence/ The blame is irrefutable/ I love you but my actions inexcusable/ It wasn’t equal, I was selfish, apologies there/ Didn’t listen, pay attention, act of modestly care/ Hooker headed, we’re both fucked/ Showed so much, then I sewed shut/ I’ll honestly miss the honesty, the humor and wit/ The passionate climaxes, room fumed with the scent/ The fact that I never felt you move to pretend/ I’ll probably playback, I’ll try and move when it ends/ Here I lose a lover, a partner, and friend/ Result of my mistake to go and scoff at the bend/ Once again I’ll try and measure cost of a sin/ Say my piece and see another tomb off in the wind/

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